Welcome to DSS, this is a system which contains a suite of applications for different tasks in data science

The system is open for the community and if you require to run an application on larger data feel free to download any application via dockerhub

If any application is useful for your research please cite: Rafael Pereira, Fabio Porto, "DSS: A Data Science Suite", Anais do Workshop DEMOS, SBBD 2019, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.

Any questions please email me at rpereira@lncc.br


Application which lets the user explore the contents of a PDF file and compare two different PDFS for similar subjects


Application which lets the user do data exploration on a tabular dataset with a interface


Application which lets the user explore the contents of a PDF file for different sentiments


Application which lets the user explore the contents of a PDF file to extract information using network theory


Application which takes as a input a image and classifies it to the 5 most possible labels, expects a keras trained model


Application which takes as a input a image, classifies it using a keras trained model and explains the reason of the prediction using GradCam, expects a keras trained model


Application to classify plant images into possible species and classify their health status


A Application that receives the adjacency matrix of a graph in a tabular form and lets the user see many metrics of this graph


A Application that receives a time series in a vector form inside a tabular file and lets the user analyze the series


A Application that receives a Tabular file and lets the user test machine learning models to predict the variables


A application that receives a image and detects all objects trained on the coco dataset


A application that receives netcdf files and let the user explore its contents